On the second day of second test of India vs West Indies crowd gathered in numbers to watch the god of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, bat for the last time. TV personalities, bollywood celebs, politicians too joined the fans at Wankhede but When Rahul Gandhi entered the stadium crowd chanted "Modi Modi" in his face to let him know who they want to be their next PM. Unplanned and sudden synchronized chant if this isn't Modi Wave then what it is ?
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Modi Modi chant at Wankhede when Rahul Gandhi entered
3:11 AM
On the second day of second test of India vs West Indies crowd gathered in numbers to watch the god of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, bat for the last time. TV personalities, bollywood celebs, politicians too joined the fans at Wankhede but When Rahul Gandhi entered the stadium crowd chanted "Modi Modi" in his face to let him know who they want to be their next PM. Unplanned and sudden synchronized chant if this isn't Modi Wave then what it is ?
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